Resale marketplace, prices may be above face value.


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Have questions about buying tickets through the Ticket Liquidator marketplace?

We're here to help. We've compiled this list of our customers' most frequently asked questions with thorough answers to save you time. If you don't find the answers you need, please call (800) 456-8499 or email us.

General Questions

Ticket Liquidator is completely PCI (Payment Card Industry) Compliant and is tested daily for computer security and authenticity by McAfee Secure. You can verify our up-to-date security certificate here.

We also have the latest fraud protection technology installed in our system to ensure that our customers have a secure buying experience. You can read reviews written by verified Ticket Liquidator customers and collected by third-party review provider Shopper Approved here.

Once your ticket order is accepted by the seller, your tickets are guaranteed to be delivered in time for the event. Sellers who don't provide customers with their tickets will have to refund 100% of the order total (see Ticket Liquidator’s guarantee). Sellers also have to endure numerous penalties in our rating system for “busting” orders. (The rating system determines what tickets sellers can list, how and when they can list them, what they're charged for doing so, etc.) Sellers therefore have every incentive to fulfill a purchase and to do so as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Cancelled events, including never-played sports events in a series, will be refunded in full (minus shipping). Customers should contact their ticket seller directly for further information about any proposed refund. (The seller listed on your order is the one charging your credit card, and thus is responsible for refunds, too.) Please note that some sellers may require customers to return their event tickets before a refund is issued.

Tickets to postponed events will be valid for the new date of the event. Please note that postponement does not entitle customers to a refund, even in the rare case that the primary ticket source offers a refund for that particular postponed event. Please also note that cancellations are considered "postponements" until an official cancellation announcement is made.


The various sellers who list tickets on our website ship their tickets via FedEx due to security and customer service concerns. Tickets, like money, are one-of-a-kind items that often can’t be reprinted or replaced if lost in the mail. The quick and secure delivery provided by FedEx, including options that require customer signature for delivery, ensures that tickets will arrive promptly after they are shipped and are received by the correct person.

Please Note: FedEx shipping doesn’t necessarily mean that your tickets will ship immediately after your order is placed. FedEx shipping speeds only refer to the speed at which you will receive tickets after the tickets themselves are printed and shipped. In some cases, venues or event promoters may not print their tickets until a few weeks before the event.

You will receive a FedEx tracking number after placing an order through our website. This number is generated by the ticket seller but will be sent to you by Ticket Liquidator. You will receive one email when a tracking number is created for your purchase and another email when the tickets actually ship. Customers can also access shipping status via the “My Purchases” tab in your Ticket Liquidator account. Your tickets are actively being shipped when FedEx registers the package as being “picked up.”

Ticket Liquidator allows customers to input a shipping address for most ticket orders placed through our website. However, delivery restrictions may apply based on the ticket order total. These restrictions are openly visible to customers on the checkout page. Ticket sellers may request a signed authorization from you if they desire proof that you accept the alternate shipping plan. This is designed for everyone’s safety to help prevent credit card or delivery fraud.

The alternate shipping policy (where relevant) is as follows:

  • If the order is less than $750, the seller is expected to ship the tickets to the alternate shipping address. Please let TL know if there are any problems here.
  • If the order is between $750 and $5000, the seller will use their own discretion and either ship the tickets to the shipping address or reject the ticket order.
  • If the order is $5000 or greater, no alternate shipping address is allowed.

Customers must contact their ticket seller directly about changing a shipping address after the order has been processed. Sellers are very security-conscious and will likely only alter your delivery information if it is truly necessary. The sellers want to make sure that your tickets actually go to their intended recipient and not some unknown party.

The seller determines whether a signature is required for ticket shipments. Most sellers choose to require a signature on ticket packages to ensure security for the buyer (you!). They want to make sure that the right person receives the tickets and that the order is fulfilled properly.

If the signature issue is problematic, customers could always try contacting their ticket seller to waive the requirement, or try any of the following:

  • Pick up the tickets after-hours at the local facility mentioned by FedEx on the delivery door tag.
  • Call FedEx and ask them to keep the tickets at your local facility for package pick-up at another time.
  • Call FedEx and ask if they could deliver tickets at a time when someone will be there to receive them.
  • Leave a note for FedEx delivery personnel to leave the tickets on the next delivery attempt. This option is only available in certain instances, and may depend on the delivery driver.

The event tickets listed on our websites are being sold by many different people (trusted companies and trusted individuals). This means that each seller possesses different capabilities when it comes to ticket access and delivery. Tickets can therefore only be picked up locally, left at will call, or emailed if that delivery option is either:

  • Stated on the listing notes explicitly (e.g. you may see a seller note reading “Tickets available for email delivery”), or
  • Advertised as a delivery option during checkout (e.g. you may see “Email” included as a delivery method on the checkout page).

There are three main ways to access event tickets for U.S.-based events if you’re an international customer:

  • Order tickets and input a U.S.-based shipping address: You should use this option if the event is more near-term in nature and you could potentially have the tickets shipped to a friend’s house in the U.S. or even your hotel.
  • Order tickets marked as being available for will call, email, local pickup etc.: Tickets are only available using one of the above methods if that method is specifically advertised on the listing notes and/or during checkout.
  • Order tickets and input your home address for shipment: You should use this option if the event concerned is a while away and the tickets will likely ship before you depart for your travels. Please note that you can always contact your ticket supplier directly to provide an alternate (U.S.-based) address if needed.

There could be two explanations:

  • Your ticket seller may not have access to the electronic ticket file. Some sellers may be supplied with printed out e-tickets rather than actual electronic files. The only option for them in such cases is to ship the printed e-tickets to their buyers via FedEx.
  • Many ticket sellers prefer to ship e-tickets for security reasons: Emailed tickets are easy to re-print and thus duplicate/invalidate -- a major fraud concern. Ticket Liquidator already has measures in place to secure against this, but extra security never hurts. Many sellers also prefer the security measures associated with physical delivery: 1.) you can require a signature to prove that the customer received the ticket package, and 2.) you can print e-tickets on special paper that can't be copied without invalidating the bar code.

FedEx can't ship to P.O. Boxes, so if you have a P.O. box as your address:

  • Your tickets will be shipped by the seller to Ticket Liquidator (in Connecticut). We can then re-ship your tickets via USPS within a day or so. (In this case, you will get an email notice that you tickets have been delivered to CT. No need to freak out!)
  • You can contact the seller with a physical shipping address that could be used for FedEx shipment.
  • You could input an alternate physical address during checkout as your shipping address rather than defaulting to your P.O. Box billing address.

  • Your friends purchased tickets from a primary source that allows for quicker ticket delivery.
  • Some ticket types may print earlier or later than others (e.g. VIP tickets tend to print later than other tickets).
  • Different ticket sellers access tickets in different ways, at different times, through different sources. Some sellers buy tickets from other sellers rather than from the venue directly. Other sellers may ask venues to hold tickets until they can collect all of their inventory. This means that tickets for an event are often available at different times.

In most cases, e-tickets marked as “Instant” will be available for you to download and print within minutes of placing your order. However, in order to protect against fraudulent purchases, some orders may require additional processing time. If this applies to your order, it will be noted in your order confirmation email, and your e-tickets will be available for you to download within one (1) business day.


The numerous sellers who list tickets through Ticket Liquidator are re-selling tickets to popular entertainment events. This means that they are also re-pricing the tickets based on their perception of an event’s popularity. The prices of event tickets on our website will therefore usually be priced greater than face value.

The mark-up in ticket prices on the resale market is designed to cover the numerous expenses incurred by sellers to obtain hard-to-get event tickets. These sellers pay face value plus additional fees and/or have fee-paying memberships in special fan clubs that allow for wide ticket access. Some ticket sellers even pay their own mark-up fee by buying tickets from other resellers rather than from direct ticketing sources.

The basic purpose of the resale market is to keep tickets on the market longer than they'd normally be available for purchase. The added markup in price is what prevents event tickets from being bought up too quickly and thus what keeps them accessible even a few weeks (or, indeed, hours) before the event. The sellers from whom customers purchase thus charge a convenience fee for accessing the tickets. It’s also true that event promoters often hold back large numbers of tickets from public sale and instead distribute or sell those tickets exclusively to connected groups - industry insiders, fan clubs, business partners, and so forth. Ticket-selling agencies pay good money to gain entry to such exclusive ticketing channels so that they can access special tickets and offer them to the public at large.

The overall idea of the secondary ticket market is to make ticket-buying more convenient for customers by allowing ticket purchases to be more widely accessible and by giving customers more options when it comes to buying event tickets.

Ticket deliveries vary extensively event-to-event, ticket-to-ticket, and seller-to-seller. Sellers will nevertheless ship your tickets as soon as they receive them in their office.

The reason ticket shipment isn’t guaranteed immediately after you place an order is because some tickets are not printed and/or distributed by event promoters until a few weeks prior to their event. These tickets then have to make their way to the ticket seller (or perhaps to the ticket seller through yet another supplier) before they are sent out to you.

The above realities mean that tickets are not guaranteed to ship immediately, but will definitely get to you before the event itself. You can always contact your ticket supplier directly if you have any questions or concerns about ticket delivery. (Ticket Liquidator doesn’t immediately possess shipping information for your tickets because we don't own any tickets ourselves. Nevertheless, please let us know if you have any problems contacting your seller.)

At Ticket Liquidator, we realize that many people are anxious about receiving their tickets so we have done our best to create an email structure that keeps you well informed of your tickets’ delivery status.

Thus, you will receive an email:

  • If your ticket shipment is delayed.
  • When a FedEx tracking number is created for your order.
  • When your tickets ship.
  • When your tickets are delivered.

You can only access tickets the same day of an event if the tickets can be set up for local pickup, will call, or email. "Local pickup" means that you will pick up the tickets at a location local to the venue. "Will call" means that you will pick up the tickets at the box office of the venue roughly an hour before the show (or game). "Email" means that the tickets will uploaded in PDF format to our secure system for you to download and print. Some ticket sellers even choose to send tickets via "courier" (very rare) or perhaps even ship the tickets (time permitting).

It is important to note that the availability of the aforementioned delivery methods is at the discretion of the seller supplying the tickets. Some sellers will notate either one or all of the three methods explicitly on the ticket listing or present one or more specific options during checkout. Other sellers default to "Near-Term Special Delivery: they can likely provide tickets using one of the three methods, but you will need to contact the seller in order to arrange delivery.

You might also notice some ticket listings that advertise "Last Minute Pickup" as a possible near-term delivery method during checkout. This delivery method is similar to Local Pickup and means that you'll pick-up the tickets concerned no sooner than 2 hours before the event at an office within a few miles from the venue. Ticket orders placed with "Last Minute Pickup" as the delivery method will have the pick-up location published on your Ticket Liquidator receipt.

The name on a customer’s ticket will be the name of a representative from the seller’s office who initially purchased the ticket from a primary ticketing source. This means that your name will not be located on any ticket that you buy through Ticket Liquidator. Please nevertheless note that the naming issue will not affect your ability to access the event. The bar code on a ticket is the sole factor that determines whether the ticket is valid for event entry. (Names don't impact event attendance or else people wouldn’t be able to give away tickets as gifts to friends or family.)

All non-"General Admission" tickets are guaranteed to be together unless explicitly stated otherwise in the seller notes on the ticket listing. Seats that aren't together must be advertised as being "piggybacked" or "split" above a certain purchase quantity.

Ticket sellers don’t advertise seat numbers publicly for a variety of reasons:

  • Privacy: Some sellers are season ticket holders, so revealing seat information would reveal their identity.
  • Uncertainty: Some sellers simply may not know which seats they’re going to distribute to certain customers immediately after a purchase. These sellers may instead wait to distribute their ticket inventory based on what other people order from their listing. This is to ensure that as many people as possible are accommodated with consecutive and acceptable seating.
  • Double-Ordering: There's often a delay in sellers being able to remove ticket inventory from websites once a certain set of tickets is purchased. Specified ticket listings (seat by seat) would result in numerous customers buying the same exact seats at the same time. This would prompt a large number of rejected orders and thus a large number of disappointed customers.

Sellers prefer to list tickets at least in pairs so as to increase the chance that they'll be able to sell all the tickets in a given listing. Entertainment events are social occasions that people usually attend with friends or family members. Single tickets are very hard to sell and so sellers try to avoid dealing with them by buying and selling tickets in larger quantities.

Tickets are generally one-of-a-kind items that cannot easily be reprinted or redistributed once they’re misplaced. The purpose of such restrictions is to prevent ticketing fraud via multiple printings of the same ticket. Customers should nevertheless contact their seller to see if it is indeed possible for them to re-access any lost tickets. (Please note that some sellers may charge re-access fees in order to access new tickets.)

Paperless Ticketing is a new technology that premiered in 2008, and it's purpose is to secure ticket transactions against fraud by eliminating a paper-based ticket and only using electronic information to verify a purchaser's identity. Customers using paperless tickets therefore require the original purchaser of the tickets concerned to have his/her credit card swiped at the venue in order to guarantee event entry. (The "original purchaser" of tickets in any ticket resale transaction would be the seller who owns the tickets, not you.)

Ticket sellers usually arrange paperless ticketing events in one of two ways:

  • A representative from the seller’s office will meet you (and, likely, other customers, too) at the venue prior to the venue, wait in line with you, and have the company credit card scanned by venue personnel.
  • The ticket-selling company will purchase the paperless tickets initially on a gift card (e.g. VISA) and then mail this gift card to any subsequent ticket buyer. This buyer can then take the card (the original purchase card) with them to the venue and have it swiped by venue personnel.

Zone seating is a recent introduction in the secondary ticket market that borrows entertainment trends from Europe. The system requires that venues be geographically demarcated into various chunks according to some visual model. The chunks concerned are often dubbed "Zones" and randomly drawn and marked with varying creativity. (Zones could be labeled as A, B, C or GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE or any such system of categorization.) Event-goers are then given options to purchase seats based solely on their Zone location ( the seats could be located anywhere in the Zone rather than in a specific row). Please note, too, that Zone tickets are guaranteed to be seated together when up to 4 or 6 tickets are purchased from the listing (the ticket listing will clarify specifically the cut-off point).

The basic purpose behind Zone seating is to drive down ticket prices for customers and limit seating confusions. It's also true that some sellers will list specific sections and rows for their tickets even if a given venue is zoned. The end result is to create a larger array of ticket options for customers that combines both specified event seating and cheaper generic alternatives.

The ticket sellers who sell tickets through our nationwide exchange are not able to cancel orders and offer refunds. The all-sales-are-final policy is standard across both the primary and secondary ticket market. The reason for this is because tickets are time sensitive items with strict limits on their value. This means that returning tickets is not like returning shoes that could be used by another customer at another date. Ticket sellers may not be able to resell any returned tickets (aka: they lose their entire investment) or may have to resell the tickets for less money.

The ticket sellers who list tickets on our exchange (and also on our competitors' exchanges) generally have a small window during which they're free to accept or reject a ticket order. This is because the sellers listing tickets on our network are likely listing tickets on other resale networks, too. It’s thus possible (if rare) that a given seller might sell a ticket group before being able to remove it from our website. Sellers then look for possible alternate tickets for the customer, but, failing that, must reject the order. We at Ticket Liquidator will contact you directly if your order is rejected to try and help you get new tickets to the event ASAP. (Please note that order rejection is very rare and that most sellers on our exchange have an order fulfillment rate above 99%.)

The numerous sellers who list tickets on our nationwide exchange are required to be available for our customers and responsive to customer concerns. Please nevertheless note that some sellers may not be available after business hours or during non-business days. You are nevertheless free to let Ticket Liquidator know if you are having trouble contacting a ticket seller during normal business hours and we will try to contact them for you.

You can check to see if your order has been accepted by the seller or not by checking the My Purchases tab in your account. Orders marked “Pending” mean the seller hasn’t accepted or rejected the order yet. Any confirmed purchase will be marked as “Accepted” by the seller.

Pricing and Fees

The service fee is an integral part of all ticket transactions that allows us to provide customers access to great tickets at great resale prices. The fee itself is a percentage of the total ticket price of a given order and is the only part of the ticket transaction that goes to Ticket Liquidator. It pays for website maintenance, billing security, customer support, and the software system that enables sellers to upload and efficiently manage their ticket inventory (which allows for lower ticket prices). Some ticketing websites incorporate service fees into the ticket prices, but, in order for full price transparency, we prefer to advertise the fee separately.

The tickets advertised on our nationwide exchange are being listed by different sellers who have different perceptions about ticket worth. This means that tickets in the same (or in a similar) section might well be valued differently by sellers based on a number of factors. Some sellers may update their listings more frequently to reflect market prices while other sellers may need to maintain larger profit margins on sales. It's therefore very possible for one seller to price tickets at $50 each and another to price similar tickets at $65 each. It’s typically best for customers to buy tickets according to stated location rather than price.

The sellers who list tickets in our marketplace usually charge customers automatically when an order is placed so as to reserve your place in line for tickets (sellers often receive numerous ticket requests simultaneously). Please remember that ticketing is a dynamic business (prices rising and falling all the time) so it’s important to claim your ticket early at the price set at the time of the purchase. It also isn't unusual for credit cards to be charged in e-commerce (or any business) before items are accessible (like if you order books from before they're printed or order any “out of stock” item online).

Customers generally can't combine shipping fees on multiple orders through Ticket Liquidator because the tickets listed on our website are owned by different ticket-selling companies and trusted individuals scattered throughout the United States (and beyond). It’s therefore likely that multiple ticket orders will be shipped from different locations by different people at different times. (You can ask a given seller whether or not they'd be comfortable waiving a delivery fee if you do indeed end up purchasing multiple orders from the same supplier.)

There is a $7.95 fee charged for Email ticket orders because ticket sellers provide email tickets to customers using a remote system that we manage, maintain, and routinely test. The fee for emailing tickets is split between us and the seller in order to maintain our system's security and thus ensure that tickets are available for secure downloading and printing. (For instance, customers have to verify their credit card information prior to the download process in order to ensure that the actual purchaser of the tickets is accessing the order.) We also spend a good deal of time examining the tickets uploaded by sellers to make sure that they are congruent with an order's event and to make sure that there are no errors in the upload files.

There is a $15 charge for will call and local pickup orders because sellers expend money to deliver tickets using such near-term methods. Will Call necessitates the seller paying someone from their office to drive to the venue (which may be far away) and leave the tickets at the box office. Local Pickup requires the seller to pay an employee to meet you at a given location or "man the office" (as it were) when they might otherwise be out doing other things. Some sellers also hand tickets over to affiliated brokerage companies near venues and therefore have to pay those companies to handle their tickets for them. The delivery fee for will call and local pickup orders is thus designed to reimburse sellers for any such expenses.

Taxes on tickets actually vary substantially from state-to-state and even between localities in various states — an ever-changing situation. This means that local and/or state taxes cannot be calculated on our checkout page during the purchase process. In instances when taxes may apply, the seller will factor those taxes into the listing price of their tickets.

The prices and fees on our website are not negotiable because we at Ticket Liquidator work in tandem with independent ticket sellers. We don’t set ticket prices (the sellers do) and so we don’t directly determine how much a ticket is worth. Ticket sellers would not be likely to sell through us if we could unilaterally bargain down the prices that they set!

The event tickets listed on our online exchange are priced dynamically by their sellers to reflect changing market calculations. It’s therefore not possible to say with complete accuracy whether ticket prices rise or fall over time. A good general rule is that ticket prices rise over time for very popular events and fall over time for less popular events. Please nevertheless note that ticket selection declines as time passes and so we do tend to encourage earlier ticket purchases.


Absolutely! is checked daily by McAfee Security, follows best practices in internet security, and we are PCI Compliant. All information you provide to us is kept private in accordance with our privacy policy.

You can read our privacy policy here.

Since your account does not cost you anything and it will make it easier for you to look up your past business transactions with us, we would encourage you not to close your account. You cannot close your account while you have an open order through Ticket Liquidator. However, if you have no open orders with us and you do wish to close your account, you can do so by going to the My Profile page and hitting the Close My Account button at the bottom of that page.

April 2025